Wednesday, January 23, 2013

GKMS Educational Lingo

The older I get, the more easily confused I am.  I have 3 kids at home and I can barely keep their names straight.  The lingo we use in schools can be confusing for anyone.  Below is  list of terms we use often here at GKMS:


Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports.  Our PBIS program is a set of expectations for behaviors for our students.  When we see proper behaviors, we reward our students with Cogs Cards.  Students can then use Cogs Cards to purchase items from our Cogs Store.  Expectations are posted throughout the school, as well as in our handbook.


Response To Intervention.  We have several data points for reading and math with all of our students (ISAT, MAP, RCBM, MCAP).  If we find students to have deficiencies in math or reading through our data, we can schedule those students in RTI math and reading programs.  These programs are designed to boost our students with additional support in math and/or reading.  These interventions are often done during AR or Study Hall.


Illinois Standard Achievement Test.  Every student in a public school in Illinois is required to take the ISAT test in 6-8 grades.  The ISAT test is typically administered during the 1st week of March.  These scores are then used to determine if schools are meeting the expectations (AYP) of federal legislation (NCLB).  Our students take Reading and Math for ISATs, and 7th graders take Science.  Students are placed in 3 classifications for Reading, Math and Science (7th grade): Exceeds expectations, Meets expectations, and Below expectations.  Schools are expected to meet a certain percentage (92.5% for 12-13) of students in the Meets and Exceeds range. This past school year, we had 89% of students Meeting and Exceeding in ISAT.  This information can be found on the school report card.

Assignment Connection-

All homework assignments are posted everyday on the GKMS webpage.  Click on the assignment connection tab on the left-hand side for daily assignments.  Assignment Connection is usually posted by 1pm each day.


PowerSchool is a student management system used by our school to organize attendance, contact information, grades etc. One nice feature of PowerSchool is the "parent-student portal." This portal allows parents to log in and view grades, email teachers, check attendance etc.  The portal can be found on the right hand side of our webpage.  Check this old blog post for a visual tutorial of how to use PowerSchool.

MAP Testing-

All students at GKMS currently participate in MAP testing in September, January and April.  We test all students in Math and Reading.  The MAP tests are correlated with both the new Common Core Standards, as well as ISAT.  The scores from these tests help us determine the best approach to help students excel in the areas of math and reading.


Models Classroom Project.  MCP is a district-wide curriculum initiative   Basically, MCP is a systems approach to using best teaching practices in our classrooms. It gives our teachers and students a common language and a common approach to lessons.  Our staff has been trained extensively on MCP and we work very hard to give our students the best opportunity to learn.

We hope this list helps our parents get a better understanding of how our school functions.  If you have any questions, please call me anytime at 815-784-5222.

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